the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit created a Perfect
Plan: One of Them must go down to Earth and take the punishment
mankind's rebellion. God the Son, Jesus Christ, volunteered to be
the One.
Plan: 1) Prepare a Perfect Sacrifice; 2) Require Him to live
a perfect
life; 3) Have Him make Disciples of ordinary men; 4) Have
Him teach those
men to teach others; 5) Have Him stand silent when accused;
6) Have Him
endure the punishment of God for all mankind for all of human history;
present and future; 7) Execute Him on a wooden Cross; 8)
Resurrect Him
from the grave after 3 Days and 3 Nights; 9) Exalt Him as King of
Christ of Nazareth was the Sacrificial Atonement for all humanity.
John 12:32 KJV
And I, if I be lifted up from the Earth, will draw
all men unto Me (Christ). |